Polymer master class in Kirov

Polymer master class in Kirov

Date: 16 April 2019

Place: Vyatka state University 

Address: Kirov, Moskovskaya street, 36




ANALIT company invites you to visit the industry master class "Modern methods of analysis and quality control in polymer chemistry". It will be held on April 16, 2019 at the Vyatka state University.
The program of the event includes reports dedicated to the capabilities of SHIMADZU equipment in determining the physico-chemical and mechanical properties of polymers and with the latest changes in the regulatory framework for quality control of polymeric materials and products made of it.

During the master class the operation of SHIMADZU equipment for incoming inspection and quality control of polymer products will be demonstrated.

Event program:

1) Theoretical part.

Welcoming words. Overview of Shimadzu equipment. Speaker: Dr. Anatoly Khripun, Ph. D., Assistant Chief of sales Department of ANALIT company.

«SHIMADZU testing equipment for testing polymer materials in accordance with Russian and international standard». Speaker Alexander Borisov, consultant, Moscow representative office of Shimadzu Europe GMbH.
"Control of polymeric materials and plastics: assessment of structural, optical and thermal properties in accordance with Russian and international standards». Speaker Victoria Tsupreva, Ph. D., consultant, Moscow representative office of Shimadzu Europe GMbH.

2) Practical part. Demonstration of devices.
3) Round table discussion.