

ANALIT laboratory provides methodological support, holds consultations and advanced staff training in key areas of instrumental chemical analysis.

  • Complex of modern instruments by Shimadzu and other manufacturers, allowing to solve non-standard analytical tasks and to make analyses;
  • Development, adaptation and certification of analysis methods to the customer's tasks;
  • Development of new laboratory equipment;
  • Demonstration of equipment capabilities and features;
  • Training cources for staff of analytical laboratories;
  • Workshops on various methods of instrumental analytical chemistry;
  • Consulting services in the field of analytical chemistry;
  • Commercial analysis
  • Providing solutions of complex analytical problems

Our employees regularly publish their results in various dedicated scientific journals.

Development of new laboratory equipment

One of the main areas of activities of the laboratory is the adaptation of equipment and techniques to specific tasks, creation of new devices and attachments for effective sample preparation. The methods of complex analyses, which were previously carried out only abroad, are developed on the basis of ANALIT laboratory.

Practical probation and training for laboratory staff:

ANALIT Laboratory conducts systematic advanced training  and practical courses as well as individual in-depth trainings. Here, analytical laboratory staff may practice and master their skills in gas and liquid chromatography, mass spectrometry, atomic emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma (ICP AES), UV, X-ray, fluorescent and molecular spectroscopy, and sample preparation.

Head of laboratory:

Vladimir Tikhomirov 
Tel/Fax: +7 (812) 372-57-40, 372-57-41

On all training and probation issues, please, contact:

Laboratory equipment


    • АА-7000  Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer 
    • IRAffinity-1S FTIR Spectrophotometer with ATR (PIKE, Specac)
    • UV-1280 Spectrophotometer
    • UV-1800 Spectrophotometer
    • EDX-8000 Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer
    • TOC-Lcsn Series TOC Analyzers 
    • SALD-2300 Laser Diffraction Particle Size Analyzer
    • ICPE-9820 Series of Simultaneous ICP Atomic Emission Spectrometers

Optional equipment:

The full catalogue can be found in the section Equipment.


By a workshop we mean the original method of training and a specific class on improvement of practical skills for specialists-chemists.

The purpose of the workshop is to help the specialists to understand the set task at a higher level, to transfer practical experience in mastering of specific methods of analysis. Unlike the training and seminar, the workshop is arranged for those who have already proved themselves as professionals, but still want to improve their professional level.

Number of participants – up to twenty five people.

 The workshop includes:

  • Demonstration of skills by the specialist / understanding in solution of an analytical problem.
  • Theoretical overview of current problems and technologies.
  • Explanation of the most common mistakes.
  • Discussion.

The schedule of workshops and other events (advanced training courses, webinars, seminars, exhibitions, etc.) can be found in the section  Events.

Topics of the previous workshop:

  • Chromato-mass spectrometric determination of drugs and their metabolites: sample preparation, analysis, identification.
  • Determination of phenols in water by HPLC method with electrochemical detection. 
  • Determination of low, trace and ultra- trace amounts of elements in various objects by atomic absorption spectrometry with electrothermal atomization and atomic emission spectroscopy with inductively coupled plasma: how to avoid errors.
  • Modern approaches to laboratory control of quality and safety of feeds, compound feeds, premixes, dietary supplements and food products. 
  • Analysis of mycotoxins in compound feeds and food products.
  • BUCHI solutions for food industry. System for determination of nitrogen and fat by the methods of Kjeldahl and Soxhlet. NIR analysis.
Workshop is the demonstration of the capabilities of high-class instruments used by high-class specialists.