Participation in the conference "Ecoanalytics" -2016

Analyt is a sponsor and participant of X All-Russia conference devoted to the analysis of the environment "Ecoanalytics-2016", which is to be held in the town of Uglich from June 26 to July 2, 2016.

In the framework of the conference the plenary lectures, oral reports, poster presentations, round tables on issues of metrology and advanced training of professionals working in the field of environmental protection are being planned. 

Analyt will present at the conference, scientific and poster presentations.

The conference would be concidered with the most important achievements and prospects of development in the field of analysis of the environment in the following areas:

1) general and methodological aspects;
2) analysis techniques, including out express and mobile;
3) The analysis instruments and systems;
4) monitoring;
5) generalized indicators of the facilities assessment;
6) quality analysis and control.

 Organizers of the conference:

  - Scientific Council on Analytical Chemistry;
 - Environmental and Analytical Association "Ecoanalytics";
 - Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry named after N. Kurnakov of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
 - Institute of Biology of Inland Waters named after I.Papanin, Russian Academy of Sciences

  Read more about the conference on the website: