The accredited laboratory of Analit successfully held the workshop "Modern approaches to laboratory safety and quality control of food and animal feed"

The accredited laboratory of Analit successfully held the workshop "Modern approaches to laboratory safety and quality control of food, animal feed, compound feed and premixes, biologically active additives"

Within the context of this workshop were clarified the main problems related to proper determination of fat- and water-soluble vitamins in food, beverages and premixes. The HPLC and  UHPLC analysis were demonstrated in real-time mode. Participants were introduced to the Sepaths automatic solid phase extraction system (produced by LabTech) providing fully automatic sample purification from interference impurities.

In this workshop there were also demonstrated and compared the different approaches to the HPLC analysis of the amino acid composition: post-column and pre-column derivatizations.

The following topics were already specified:

- applicability of spectroscopic methods for the food analysis

- determination of phosphorus in milk, meat, cheese, mixed fodders with Shimadzu UV spectrophotometer

- quality control of raw materials and end products with Buchi analyzers

The workshop was attended by representatives of academic research centers, food industry companies, testing laboratories, sanitary and epidemiological facilities etc.

To take part in our future events please contact us using phone in St. Petersburg: +7 (812) 325 55 02 or e-mail: